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En Venta : Apple iPhone 4G 32GB/16GB $300USD
Trade Electronics Limited is a Electronics company dedicated to the service of the public in dispensing and selling quality goods and services to the entire public at large,our aim is to serve you better,We are currently giving out 10 % discount offer on all products,Since we are on sales promotion for 2011 trade sections in the company and The Offer is Buy 2 get 1 Free.
We are completely able to handle the shipping of items to anywhere in the world by UPS,DHL,Aramex,FedEx and shipping can take 2-3days delivery Time after Payment confirmation, delivery are made to doorsteps.
Complete the below details to place your order ......
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Delivery Time: 48hrs (2DAYS)
Promo Offer (BUY 2 GET 1 FREE)
Terms and conditions:Ordered are shipped via UPS, Fed Ex, DHL.They are brand new sealed in factory box and comes with 12 month international warranty.An address is required for delivery. Goods will be delivered standard ground transportation, which takes 2-3 days .
And send to any of the below contact details for more details on how to complete your consumption.
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