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Buy Brand New Electronic from us..With Discount
We are well experienced importer for all kind of consumer electronics such as CELL PHONE,CAMERA,MUSICAL INSTRUMENT,GAMES,LAPTOP and I POD accessories and PSP accessories. We have our buying office in United Kingdom with a crew of buyers and quality controller to ensure our items in latest fashion and good quality before they ship over to our warehouse..Our Phones are factory sealed with original packets with complete accessory, e.g. charger, extra battery and software c d. The phones are Sim free and it’s never lock to any network,specification: (Europeans/USA-specifications) general network gsm 900/gsm 1800/gsm 1900 platform - tri band(gsm900 + 1800 + 1900 MHz.Quick response and ready to help is the principle of our sales team. If you can't find what you want at our store,just contact us, we will search it for you. Any technical needs just email us we have our specialist ready to answer your questions.We treat all our customers as our biggest customers, we don't mind you just buy 99 cents from us,we still treat you with our 100% effort, we believe in good quality service is as important as good quality products.
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